Yoga for Everyone. I can’t do Yoga! You Can!

“I’d like to start yoga” “How flexible are you?” “I can’t do Tuesday mornings or Thursday evenings” It’s an old play on words, but many people think that flexibility and mobility is a prerequisite of starting a Yoga practice.  This couldn’t be further from the truth;...

Yoga, Arthritis and Joint Replacements

As we age our joints can naturally wear, a process called Osteoarthritis.  We may also experience inflammatory conditions in our joints, Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Although very different in cause, both conditions cause pain and discomfort. Additionally, joints can become...

Yoga Therapy for Injury and Rehabilitation

Surgeries or serious injuries can have many effects – we may have a time of reduced mobility and enforced rest, missing work or regular social and sporting activities, all of which can affect mood; we may experience long term pain; we may be anxious about our recovery...

Taking care of your Spine with Yoga

Back pain is probably the most common physical complaint we experience – the UK National Institute of Clinical Excellence suggests 60% of people will have Low Back Pain at some stage in their lives, with up to 28% of people experiencing this in any one month.1 Yoga...

Yoga Therapy for Digestive Health

Digestive Health refers to your individual experience of processing food, extracting nutrients, and expelling waste – possibly a taboo subject, but one of importance. There are many problems we can have with digestion – short term if we have made ill-judged choices of...

Taking care of Your Knees with Yoga

Knee pain affects a lot of people – some estimates place it at 25% of adults experiencing knee pain at some stage in life1. Yoga can help a lot with knee pain but can also hinder – the devil is in the detail. Our knees are one of the toughest and most resilient joints...

Yoga Therapy for Pain Conditions

Pain is a normal part of life – warning us if we have injured something that needs treating or reminding us to slow down if we are overdoing it.  However sometimes pain continues longer than may normally be expected after an injury or surgery, for example long term...

Welcome to Yinspire Yoga Therapy LLP

A slight change to the legal structure for Yinspire Yoga and Yinspire Yoga Therapy. From 1st May 2022 the ownership will move from Yinspire Limited to Yinspire Yoga Therapy LLP. Ownership and management still remains with Jessica. Legalities: – Yinspire and...