The Clot Thickens – The Enduring Mystery of Heart Disease

Many of us have concerns about Heart Disease, which seems to be a scourge of modern society.  And many of us probably try and eat low fat, and watch our cholesterol levels.

So far so good.  But the science and research isn’t always clear.  That much is obvious if you consider all the different diet approaches recommended – low fat, low carb, high protein, etc.

Dr Kendrick is a British GP and author who gets beneath some of the research and asks the awkward questions.  Is what we know, and common health approaches, actually backed up by research and science?  In this case, are the causes of Heart Disease as simple as poor diet and high cholesterol?  Are there other factors?

I’m not going to précis Dr Kendricks thoughts as they are complex, and a short post won’t do them justice; suffice to say he suggests that the causes of heart disease are more nuanced.  What I will say is he has an engaging and clear writing style, with a good mix of detail versus readability, and for anyone concerned about their heart health – all of us, maybe – the book is worth a read. 

One thing I did note was his endorsement of both nasal breathing and the importance of relaxation, for which he suggests yoga but recognises there are other options.

In short a well written book, and an important contribution to promoting health and well-being.  Worth a read if you are interested in this field.

You can buy The Clot Thickens – The Enduring Mystery of Heart Disease by Dr Malcolm Kendrick on Amazon