Mindsight – Transform Your Brain with the New Science of Kindness

In recent years you can’t help but have noticed, especially if you are around the Yoga world, the explosion of interest in Mindfulness.  To some extent its nothing new – this comes from Buddhist traditions over many years – but in recent years there has been much interest both in the secularisation of Mindfulness and in its scientific correlates – what is happening in our brains as we practice a mindful approach?

This is a useful book on these later topics – a more secular approach to Mindfulness, and how it affects our brains.

The author is a Professor of Psychiatry, and according to the cover notes, “coined the term ‘mindsight’ to describe the innovative integration of brain science with the practice of psychotherapy”  – this is a fairly typical modern approach, not dissimilar to MBSR, nor to how Yoga Therapy may work. 

The author writes well, and presents a non dogmatic work with, for me at least, the right level of detail.  The book is probably aimed at both practitioners interested professionally in these areas and those curious about these approaches for their own emotional health.  

I found it a useful refresher on areas I had previously studied professionally, and a chance to see some new approaches.

You can by Mindsight by Daniel Siegel at Amazon, and if you use this link Yinspire earns a small commission