First, a happy New Year to all my students, Facebook followers, and the Island Yoga Community.

It feels like I have eaten far more rich food than I should over the festive season, and a January de-tox is called for!

And so, on January 1st, we turn to “resolutions” – I wills.  Blah, blah, blah…  …how many will we keep? 

Resoltuions are good things, but sometimes we can be very hard on ourselves – the I musts and the I wills – and whilst discipline and focus has its place, we can end up being harsh to ourselves. 

In Yoga there exists the concept of “Sankalpa” – rather than the harshness of a “resolution”, Sankalpa is more “intention”.  Put simply an intention, which we work towards, but without being harsh on ourselves if we experience ups and downs on the way.  I will work towards being fitter, but I will not castigate myself for a piece of chocolate and a glass of wine. 

My 2017 Sankalpa involves being kinder to myself, and specifically

– Prioritise sleep and quality of sleep – to bed a little earlier, turn off blue light earlier, aim for an hour more sleep a night
– Make space in my diary for a bit more time to gym/cycle/walk}
– Cultivate a little more equanimity to events around me rather than reacting

Whatever your Sankalpa – intentions – may be, I wish you every blessing for 2017, and hope to see you on the mat.