Solstice thoughts

This morning was the Winter Solstice – officially the start of the winter, although it feels its been with us a while doesn’t it? I’ve been delving into some Celtic traditions, well scratching the surface of them, of late, and its drawn me to looking...

We are all Donald

OK, so that was a bit of a surprise.  I mean we really hoped he wouldn’t win?  That common sense would prevail? Although I personally would have voted for Hillary, I can see the attraction of The Donald to some people, particularly his call to change...

Post Brexit: a word on tolerance

No matter whether you were “in” or “out”, I think we can all agree the fallout from last Thursdays vote has been surprising; the Prime Minister going, the Labour leader looking likely to follow, men in suits jostling for power, rhetoric to and...

In Defence of Yin Yoga

I wanted to share this wonderful article from, written by Bernie Clark (although I hope he will forgive me anglicising the title).In Defense of Yin YogaAt first glance its perhaps unclear why any yoga should need defending.  Then at second glance you...

Advent thoughts

The year draws to a close; yoga classes wind down; our hearts draw back to home and family.Earlier this week Facebook reminded me of posts from the same day in previous years; it seems that its not unusual for me to be running behind on wrapping presents and generally...