Subtitled “A Whole Person Approach to movement and Lifestyle”, this is a useful and comprehensive manual on the topic of arthritis, living with it, and how yoga can help,

The authors divide the book into three logical sections – “Living with Arthritis”, “Thriving with Arthritis” and “Yoga Therapy Practices for Arthritis”.  Within those chapters comes a comprehensive review of arthritis as a condition, how it impacts peoples lives, and how yoga may help.  Its nice that there is generous coverage of the energetic and mental health aspects of the disease, as well as the psychological and pain aspects, and that the yogic consideration draws on far more than just asana.  Its also nice to see a koshic framework to the yogic suggestions, as that underlines the whole person approach that yoga can offer.

The authors touch on, and clarify, misconceptions about yoga – that it is too physically extreme, or too new-agey – and what yogic approach may suit people with arthritis at differing stages, and is supported by case studies and practical wisdom.

The authors do well to create a work which appeals both to the patient and the practitioner, making sure the content is pitched at a level suitable for both, not too detailed for the patient seeking practical help, yet through and comprehensive for the professional.  To this end I feel this would be a useful book for anyone with arthritis, yoga professionals working with them, and others in the helping professions who wonder if yoga is a viable practice for arthritis (yes, done properly).

Yoga Therapy for Arthritis can be purchased on Amazon and if you use this link, Yinspire earns a small commission