Sleep is increasingly recognised as the third pillar of good health, alongside exercise/movement and diet/nutrition.  But, lets be honest, for most of us, we probably think very little about sleep and sleep hygiene unless it comes to the fore through insomnia, tiredness or other sleep related issues.

Split into forty quite easy to read chapters, this book aims not to provide a complete exposition of sleep therapy and problem solving, but to systematically address some of the common myths and misunderstandings around sleep, eg how much do we need; does it matter if I wake up at night; napping; coffee’s effect on sleep.

The book addresses these topics well and non dogmatically.  The authors, respectively a sleep scientist and psychologist with an interest in sleep, come across as both knowledgeable and unbiased, and as you read the book you get a feeling of their experience and honesty coming through, as they support their writings with evidence or experiential reports from their practice – where the evidence for something is slight, but it seems to be a good idea, they are clear about this, and they are equally clear in challenging falsehoods.

This is a book for anyone interested in sleep – a mind body practitioner; someone who struggles with sleep; someone who realises as they approach mid life (moveable target, I find) they cannot cheat on sleep like they used to.

I found it a really useful, and easily read book, and I’d endorse it for others.

The book can be purchased on Amazon via this link, which earns Yinspire a small commission