Neck and shoulder pain could be described as a silent plague in modern life – the hunched forward iPosture, along with heightened stress levels probably make us more susceptible than previous generations. And the phrase “it’s a pain in the neck” isn’t in our modern lexicon for nothing!

This is a easy to read and accessible book on the topic. It’s very much a common sense guide, and without being directive guides the reader through the basic anatomy of the neck and shoulder region, how posture impacts the area, how stress impacts the area, and what yoga can do do help. The author, a yoga therapist, then goes on to make some suggestions around physical and energetic yoga practices that could help; not only for the neck and shoulder area but for the wider body, recognising that whole body wellbeing contributes to solving the problem.

One of the things I like about this book was that it doesn’t go overboard on extra details – which seems to be the modern trend – so I think it would make a useful reference work for yoga teachers and yoga practitioners alike. It’s a book I will doubtless dip into in the future as needed.

Healing Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain can be bought on Amazon, and if you use this link, Yinspire earns a small commission.