Well, unsurprisingly, in my case, it wasn’t. Probably just as well with the amount I’ve interested, both time and money, in training!

This is a bit of a whimsical book, serious, but not overly so, on trivia and myths about the human body.

We’ve all got one, and if you are minded to lean a bit more about it, then although neither an academic tome, nor instructional manual, this little book has a few gems in it and is worth a read.

I found the elements on genetics interesting, especially things like the Microchimerism, the concept that we have some a small number of other peoples cells – mother, and family – in us. And peppered throughout the work were things to learn and confirm despite the comparatively whimsical nature of the work. You can never learn enough, I suppose – in fact there is good evidence that lifelong learning keeps the brain healthy.

Worth a read, if this is an area of interest to you.

The book can be purchased on Amazon, and using this link enables Yinspire to earn a small commission.