Anyone who has practised with me over a length of time will know I am keen to take yoga out of the studio and into daily life – either as a daily(ish) practice on a mat; micro practices during the day; or simply integrating yogas wisdom into the detail of daily life.

At times this can seem a difficult proposition, not in the least because a diet yoga traditions and modern yoga lineages can seem impenetrable in their detail and rigidity – leading to “Am I doing this right?” and “Am I a proper yogi?”.

This book is focuses on changing that. Loosely it’s a review of the basics of yoga, but from a non dogmatic perspective – what works for you? It’s peppered with the author’s own experiences and anecdotes as she explores how yoga has fitted into her own life. Along the way she seeks to dispel some rumours – tofu, juice cleanses and Birkenstocks are optional – who knew?

It’s an easy read, and for me nice to read something practical rather than theory – I warmed to the authors interpretation of keeping true to the essence of yoga and yet integrating to the practicalities of daily life. Perhaps not a beginners guide to yoga as such, but certainly a useful book most yogis would benefit from reading if they are keen to take yoga into daily life.

Do Your Om Thing can be bought on Amazon, and if you use this link, Yinspire earns a small commission.