The incidence of back pain is huge; for some an occasional niggle, others a life long potentially debilitating condition.  And if its not our back, maybe someone close to us suffers, and we pick up the pieces.

This is a book those with a serious back problem, but no obvious cause, what tends to get called “non specific low back pain”

Its not a book about caring for your back – I’ve reviewed others on that topic, and come back again and again to “Back to Life” by Rogers & Brown.  This is a book about the back care industry and navigating it as a user.  The author is an American journalist with a very troublesome back, and she both recounts her journey and explores aspect of the back care industry.  As a caution I would say in places the book is quite Americanised in terms of focusing on their health system.

Its a sorry tale over the years, featuring many charlatans and many unnecessary operations, and by extension not the best care.  In the first section of the book the author investigates this recent history of back care, in the second part the current scene and what actually works. 

To that end the book is time limited, as techniques and best practice do evolve, but its a 2018 book so for now at least reasonably current.   Yoga is recommended, which of course is pleasing (a reminder, I’m trained in Yoga Therapy for Back Care)

I warmed to her determination to get to the bottom of the American back care industry – what happens over there comes over here – and her determination to heal her back.

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