The BioPsychoSocial Approach to Health

You may have heard the old joke about the plumber called to a Doctors Surgery for a blocked sink – “Put a paracetamol down it and call me again in the morning if it is still blocked” said the Plumber to the surprised Doctor. Behind this joke, however, is a truism – we...

Will a Yoga Class Help When I’m Injured?

A common question that a Yoga Teacher gets asked is “I’ve injured [something] can I still practice Yoga?” or its variation “I’ve injured [something] will Yoga help?” The answer it turns out is “maybe”. The two things going through my mind in these circumstances are...

Yoga & Yoga Therapy for Everyone

A frequent comment I get with enquiries is “I’m not really a Yoga person”. I would admit there is a stereotype, often fed by the media, of a typical yogi. But, honestly, it’s far from the truth. So, as a Yoga Therapist, Yoga Teacher, and a Yoga Practitioner, I can...

Calm – Taking Time Out for Ourselves

Modern life is undeniably fast paced for many people – work, home life, education – and this places unique pressures on our Nervous Systems; the mechanisms which evolved to spring into action to protect us from attack by fierce creatures also cut in when we get...