Surgeries or serious injuries can have many effects – we may have a time of reduced mobility and enforced rest, missing work or regular social and sporting activities, all of which can affect mood; we may experience long term pain; we may be anxious about our recovery and getting back to health; we may experience a loss of confidence or anxiety about the future. 

Additionally, our Nervous System can be put under strain by medications, pain relief, and other aspects of our treatment, or by flashbacking to accidents, trauma, and injuries.

The first line treatment is, of course, the Consultants, Doctors and Nurses, and then down the line Physiotherapists to get us – literally – back on our feet.

However, people are often discharged from medical care and still have restrictions and worries, which is where Yoga Therapy can help with longer term rehabilitation in various ways, in particular:

  • Helping to calm the Nervous System and post treatment stress and anxiety
  • Help us to come to terms with short-term and long-term restrictions and changes in our mobility
  • Helping to strengthen the body and regain confidence in our physical bodies and movement as we heal
  • Helping us to deal with unhelpful memories and flashbacks from accidents and trauma
  • Promoting our sense of self-worth as we heal
  • Developing coping strategies for longer term conditions
  • Preparing for planned surgeries and dealing with pre surgical stress and worry, part of a process of Prehabilitation (Prehab)


How I work with Rehabilitation

The starting point is an assessment of your injuries or surgeries and how they affect your daily life, including any other treatment you have had, medications, therapies, and any diagnosis.  I do this both on a BioPsychoSocial basis – looking at things from a Biological, Psychological and Social perspective – and from a Yoga perspective using Yoga’s understanding of energy and wellbeing.

From there I will probably work with tailored range yoga postures, breathing exercises and relaxation practices to help with regaining strength and optimal movement in your physical body, alongside healing the mind and emotions.  This will include looking at your posture and movement patterns.   You won’t be asked to enter any postures that cause pain or discomfort.

I may work with mindfulness practices to help foster self-love – these practices, known as Metta practices, help to reduce the sense of blame, self-criticism and what ifs that can follow injuries and surgeries.

I’ll suggest practices to work with at home to reinforce our clinic-based work.

I’ll happily fit in alongside any specific guidelines from other health professionals, e.g., Consultant, GP, Physiotherapist.  You can see me whilst still under medical care but do let your Doctor know.  If necessary, I will make suggestions for onward referral to other professionals.

Yoga Therapy is not a substitute for emergency healthcare, so if you have urgent issues, please speak to your GP, NHS 111, or other Health Professional.

You can learn more about my practice as a Yoga Therapist, and book appointments, at

Jessica – Minded Yoga Therapist